WelcomeSituated on the High Street of the bustling Dales market town of Pateley Bridge,North Yorkshire, and Hemswell Antiques Centre, Lincolnshire, we stock a large range of antique furniture, collectables and decorative items for the home. Our carefully selected antiques are eye catching, practical in size and proportions, with the emphasis on quality, offering excellent value for money. For further information on any items please phone or email where full details and suitability for your requirements can be discussed. Better still come and visit us in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales where you will be greeted with a warm welcome and a friendly service. We are open 7 days a week at Hemswell Antiques Centre, check out our Related Links page for details. UPDATE:Open at Pateley Bridge on Saturdays only now, but I'm always on the end of the phone, ring me or leave a message if you need anything.